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Debunking Insulin Myths: What You Need to Know for Better Diabetes Management

If you've come across the idea that insulin triggers weight gain, you're not alone. However, it's important to clarify that insulin doesn't directly lead to weight gain.

In fact, when you were initially diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, you might have experienced weight loss due to your body's inability to use glucose effectively, resulting in excessive urination and loss of nutrients. 

Introducing insulin therapy improved your body's ability to function, which might have halted weight loss and even prompted weight gain as your body began to stabilize. Insulin plays a vital role in diabetes management, particularly for those with Type 1 diabetes.

Its primary job is to help your body utilize glucose from the food you eat for energy, thereby maintaining stable blood sugar levels. Without sufficient insulin, your body's ability to regulate blood sugar becomes compromised, potentially resulting in severe health issues.

Understanding the role of insulin in weight management is key....

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Mastering Carb Counting: Key to Effective Diabetes Management

Living with diabetes can be a complex journey, but with the right guidance and support, managing this condition becomes more manageable. 

For individuals with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, the expertise of a dietitian can be invaluable in navigating dietary choices and blood sugar control.

Instead of fixating on insulin dosages, let's shift our focus to a critical aspect: carb intake. Carbohydrates play a universal role in blood sugar management, making them a crucial factor to consider for anyone dealing with diabetes.

For those with Type 1 diabetes, precise insulin dosing is crucial to maintain stable blood sugar levels. A dietitian can assist in calculating insulin-to-carb ratios, ensuring that meals are appropriately balanced to prevent blood sugar spikes or crashes.

Similarly, individuals with Type 2 diabetes benefit from dietary guidance to manage weight, control blood sugar levels, and reduce the risk of complications. Dietitians can recommend lifestyle modifications and...

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Better Blood Sugar Control: Simple Strategies for Diabetes Management

Managing diabetes, whether Type 1 or Type 2, can often feel like an uphill battle. 

However, with the right strategies, it's possible to make significant improvements in your blood sugar levels and overall health.  Take inspiration from one patient who managed to drop his average blood sugar by an impressive 20 points in just ONE WEEK. Here's how you can do it too.

Planning out your meals 

Planning out meals can make a world of difference when it comes to managing diabetes. Instead of randomly selecting items from your pantry or fridge, take just 10 to 15 minutes per week to plan your meals. 

This simple step can help ensure that your meals align with your health goals and eliminate the stress of figuring out what to eat each day.

Consistent exercise

Consistency is key, especially when it comes to strength training. 

While you may have been on and off with your strength training routine in the past, committing to regular sessions can yield significant...

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Navigating the Peaks and Valleys: A Journey Through Diabetes Challenges

Living with diabetes is a journey filled with both triumphs and challenges, and sometimes, those challenges can be daunting. 

Recently, someone faced one of the most terrifying episodes in their more than two decades of living with Type 1 diabetes, and the experience served as a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of this condition.

It all unfolded during a trip out of town with their loved ones. In the dead of night, they woke up feeling peculiar—experiencing extreme dehydration, a parched mouth, and a faint scent of ketones lingering in the air. 

Despite heading to bed with normal blood sugar levels, something just didn't feel right, and their instincts told them that trouble was brewing.

Upon checking their Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM), their heart sank as they saw the number glaring back at them: 378. 

It was a reading that didn't align with how they felt, and a subsequent blood glucose test confirmed their worst fears—levels were soaring...

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Navigating Diabetes Care: Why Scheduling with a Dietitian Matters

If you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, you know it's important to handle your condition well. A big part of managing diabetes is what you eat, and getting help from a registered dietitian can really make a difference in how you feel overall. They can give you good advice to help you with your diabetes and make you feel better.

A dietitian specializes in providing personalized nutrition advice tailored to your specific needs and lifestyle. Whether you're newly diagnosed or have been living with diabetes for years, working with a dietitian can help you develop a balanced meal plan that supports stable blood sugar levels and promotes overall health.

For those living with Type 1 diabetes, the daily routine revolves around vigilant blood sugar monitoring and precise insulin management. 

Partnering with a dietitian opens up avenues to refine insulin doses and gain insight into dietary choices. This collaboration equips individuals with the knowledge to make informed decisions about...

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Delicious Discoveries: Diabetes-Friendly Snacks for Flavorful Living

Living with diabetes doesn't have to mean giving up on tasty snacks. As individuals navigate the complexities of managing Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, finding delicious and satisfying snacks that align with dietary needs can be a challenge. 

However, fear not! A registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator has curated a diverse array of snack options tailored specifically for those managing diabetes.

First on the list of delectable discoveries is Purely Elizabeth granola. This delightful blend of wholesome ingredients and indulgent flavors offers a guilt-free indulgence suitable for any time of day. 

Whether you're craving the comforting taste of pumpkin or something more adventurous, Purely Elizabeth granola delivers. 

With its combination of complex carbohydrates, protein, and heart-healthy fats, it provides a sustained energy boost without causing blood sugar spikes, making it an ideal snack choice for individuals with diabetes.

Next up is avocado hummus, a...

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Power of Hydration: The Diabetes Water Hack for Blood Sugar Control

Are you struggling to find effective ways to lower your blood sugar levels when they spike unexpectedly? Before resorting to drastic measures like administering rapid insulin injections or engaging in strenuous physical activity, consider a simple yet potent solution that often gets overlooked: hydration. 

This little-known technique, often referred to as the "diabetes water hack," can play a significant role in managing blood sugar levels, particularly during episodes of hyperglycemia.

The premise behind this strategy is rooted in the physiological response of the body to high blood sugar levels and dehydration. When blood sugar levels are elevated, the body attempts to dilute the excess glucose by drawing water from the cells into the bloodstream.

However, if you're dehydrated, your blood volume decreases, leading to concentrated sugar levels. By drinking water, you effectively increase blood volume, prompting the kidneys to expel excess glucose through urine, thus lowering...

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Navigating the Real-Time Challenges: Unveiling the 15-Minute Delay in Continuous Glucose Monitors for Optimal Diabetes Management

In the ever-evolving landscape of diabetes management, Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) have become indispensable tools for individuals dealing with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. 

These small devices offer a revolutionary way to monitor blood sugar levels, eliminating the need for constant finger pricking and providing real-time data every five minutes. While the benefits are undeniable.

There's a crucial aspect that often goes unnoticed – the 15-minute delay between CGM readings and actual blood sugar levels.

CGMs are fantastic companions on the journey to maintaining optimal blood sugar levels. They allow users to pick up on trends, understand their body's responses to different foods, and make informed decisions about insulin dosages. However, it's essential to grasp the nuances of these devices to avoid pitfalls that can lead to erratic blood sugar levels.

Imagine this scenario: Your CGM displays a blood sugar reading of 264, indicating a steady increase. Frustrated,...

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Why insulin must stay cold

One of the biggest pet peeves of many living with chronic medical conditions is the inability to keep their life-saving medications cool enough to actually work.

As someone living with Type 1 Diabetes, I am completely dependent on exogenous insulin, 24/7/365, to keep my blood sugar levels in range and to maintain my day-to-day life. So, when I travel or am away from home, my insulin must be at a temperature acceptable for use when I need it.

Why? Insulin is a hormone that is made up of proteins, and when a protein molecule gets too warm, it starts to denature or unravel. When a protein starts to unravel, its utility and ability to function greatly decreases. For insulin, the threshold is met when it is exposed to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. On the flipside, if insulin gets too cold (under 32 degrees Fahrenheit), it will crystallize and not work as well either. 

So, if I were to use insulin that had gotten too warm in the Florida heat, the insulin may not work at 100% of...

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Prepackaged Foods: Debunking the 'Devil' Myth and Embracing Convenience with Diabetes

Today, we're diving into a hot topic that stirred up some controversy not too long ago. We made a post recommending prepackaged foods available at Costco, and boy, did it ruffle some feathers. People came at us saying that packaged foods are the devil and should be banished from our diets. 

But let's set the record straight – prepackaged foods are not the villain they're made out to be.

We want to emphasize that there's no such thing as inherently "good" or "bad" foods. Food is just... well, food. It's up to you to assign meaning to it based on your nutritional needs and lifestyle. Those pre packaged goodies? They can be totally legit if they fit into your nutrition plan.

We recommended these items not because they're some kind of miracle cure, but because they offer fantastic grab-and-go options for folks with busy lives. Let's face it, life can get crazy, and having nutrient-dense, convenient choices can be a game-changer. 

That's why we suggested these products,...

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