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Type 1 Diabetes Workout Tips: Preventing Low Blood Sugars with Expert Advice from a Dietitian

Uncategorized Apr 18, 2023

There are VERY few things on this planet as frustrating as finding yourself feeling shaky, feeling terrible, and collapsed in a chair in the middle of your workout. 

Why are you here? 

Because you live with diabetes and your blood sugar is low.

Low blood sugar is the sworn enemy of any power walk, CrossFit workout, yoga class, bike ride, or even half-marathon.

O, let's dive into three ways to prevent your blood sugars from going low during a workout.

#1 - Consider the type of workout and the duration of that workout.

Different types of exercise can have different effects on blood sugar levels. Strength-based activities, such as weightlifting, can cause blood sugar levels to remain stable or even increase slightly. On the other hand, cardio-based activities, such as running or biking, can cause blood sugar levels to decrease. Always remember that the duration of the exercise can play a role in blood sugar levels. The longer the exercise session, especially if it's...

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Savoring Stuffed French Toast with Diabetes: Expert Tips from a Diabetes Dietitian on How to Eat Right

Uncategorized Apr 17, 2023

There are so many dishes that people with diabetes often find themselves thinking they can’t have, and French toast is definitely one of them. 

Some may look at this towering breakfast masterpiece and think, "no way, I have diabetes, I can't eat this, my blood sugar will skyrocket." 

But fear not, my friends: with a little bit of planning and attention, you can absolutely enjoy this beauty without sacrificing your blood sugar control.

 Let's talk about how to navigate the potential blood sugar roller coaster that comes with indulging in such a delicious treat.

First things first, make sure you pre-bolus before diving in. Taking insulin before you eat, can help to prevent blood sugar spikes after a meal. The timing and amount of insulin you take will depend on factors such as the amount of carbohydrates in the meal, your current blood sugar level, and your individual insulin sensitivity.

Now, let's break down this dish into more manageable parts for carb...

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Hiking with Diabetes: Essential Tips from a Diabetes Dietitian!

Uncategorized Apr 13, 2023

Are you someone with diabetes who loves hiking and outdoor activities, but often finds it daunting to keep your blood sugar levels in check during such events?

Walking away from civilization and seemingly "off the grid" can be unsettling for people with diabetes. It's terrifying to rely on survival with only the items on your back, and carrying your pancreas adds another layer of uncertainty.

Maybe it’s the big reason why you might be hesitant to venture outside and away from home without the conveniences of low-blood sugar snacks, water, or medical support nearby.

These tips will inspire you to put on your hiking boots and reconnect with nature!

A pre-hike meal with a balance of carbs, fat, and protein can help provide sustained energy throughout the hike. In case of low blood sugar, bring low-calorie snacks such as Skittles, candy corn, and graham crackers.

Additionally, having only a small amount of active insulin before beginning the hike can help prevent low blood sugar.

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Mastering Diabetes: The Impact of Protein on Blood Sugar Levels Explained by a Diabetes Dietitian

Uncategorized Apr 11, 2023

Living with diabetes can be a challenge, but paying attention to protein intake can make it easier to achieve excellent blood sugars and an amazing A1C.

While many people with diabetes focus solely on carbs, protein is critical to the equation, and not paying attention to it can make blood sugar management more difficult.

In this blog post, I will explain why protein is essential and how it can affect blood sugar levels. 

Let’s dive into why protein is essential to consider in the blood sugar equation.

There’s a great story that I often share to help illustrate this point. Once upon a time, I went to a Brazilian steakhouse. If you’ve never been to a Brazilian steakhouse, there are many people coming around to your table with different types of meat and chicken and steak and pork and ALL of the different protein sources.  As someone who was into weight training at the time, I was thrilled to consume as much protein as I wanted in unlimited quantities....

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Understanding the Impact of Fat on Blood Sugar: Insights from a Diabetes Dietitian!

Uncategorized Apr 10, 2023

“It’s Not Just About the Carbs”

You've probably always been told to limit your sugar and carbohydrates.

Consuming too many processed carbohydrates can lead to a host of health problems. Some people think that's the only two things they need to stay away from; however, it's not. It turns out fats could play a major role in impacting blood sugar levels.

Fat has a more indirect effect on blood sugar levels than carbohydrates, but it can still have a significant impact. Because fat slows digestion, carbohydrates are released into the bloodstream more slowly over time, resulting in a more prolonged rise in blood sugar levels.

This can be a huge problem for people with diabetes who may need to dose their insulin when consuming carbs.

Managing the effect of fat on blood sugar levels is the main goal that dietitians in diabetes practices pursue with their patients. According to dietitians, meals with more fat require 47% more insulin overall. 

Even though it may...

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Insulin Pump Site Changes: A Diabetes Dietitian's Solution for STUBBORN Blood Sugar Levels

Uncategorized Apr 04, 2023

Insulin pumps are a choice many with diabetes turn to for their care since they can make blood sugar control much easier!

One of the main reasons why it has been a game changer is that they provide more precise control over insulin dosing. With an insulin pump, you can adjust your insulin delivery based on your body's changing needs throughout the day. 

However, insulin pump sites can sometimes fail or become ineffective, resulting in high blood sugars and frustration. So, when should you yank your insulin pump site early?


Here are a few tips when having trouble with ineffective or failed insulin pump sites.

#1. Correcting twice and no change:

Sometimes, you've corrected your blood sugar twice and it's still not coming down, even if you're doing everything else right.

This could be a sign that your insulin pump site is not working effectively, and waiting too long to address the issue could lead to dangerous blood sugar levels and of course, frustration. If you suspect...

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Expert Diabetes Dietitian Conquers a SUPER High Fat Fondue Meal with Ease!

Uncategorized Apr 02, 2023

Going out to eat with family and friends is a big part of our busy, modern life!

While eating out can be extremely convenient (not to mention enjoyable), many restaurants serve extremely large portions of high-calorie, high-fat, high-carbohydrate content such as Fondue.

When you need to maintain safe glucose levels, these can be difficult to navigate, as you never know what may happen right after the meal or hours later when it comes to your blood sugars.

Still, you don't have to miss out on the celebrations, events, or even the just-don't-feel-like-cooking dinners that happen every day.

There are ways to enjoy eating out while keeping your blood sugar stable. Try these tips:

Treat this meal like any other meal.

Begin by dividing the meal into different courses. If you have fondue, salad, and protein in the form of steak and chicken, for example, you can treat each course separately. Take your dose for each course and keep track of how many carbs you consume each time you load your...

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Maintaining Great Blood Sugars While Shopping: Insights from a #T1D Dietitian!

Uncategorized Mar 31, 2023

Traveling, even for a single day, can be an excellent way to broaden your horizons and create lasting memories.

Day trips provide an opportunity to escape the routine of everyday life and experience something new, whether you're walking at the Mall of America in Minneapolis, taking in the natural beauty of a national park, or simply relaxing at the beach.

Having diabetes should not stop you from having fun and visiting new places! It is entirely possible to have fun in the sun while managing your blood sugar in the safest and easy way possible.

Let me share with you some easy ways how to keep your blood sugar in the healthy range while being active on a trip: 

#1. Pay attention to active insulin going in.

Physical activity can lower blood sugar levels, so it may be necessary to adjust insulin dosing or adjust your meal to prevent getting low during or after physical activity. It is important to monitor blood sugar levels before, during, and after physical activity to determine...

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AFREZZA: The Revolutionary Inhaled Insulin for Type 1 Diabetes

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2023

What is Afrezza and how could this be a game changer for diabetes?

People have talked for YEARS about the desire to take insulin without injections—and Afrezza is the only FDA-approved form of mealtime insulin that allows for just that. 

It is delivered through an inhaler-type device and is inhaled directly into the lungs. The inhaled insulin is then absorbed into the bloodstream and helps to lower blood sugar levels.

Inhaled insulin may be used instead of, or in addition to, traditional insulin injections.

Here are just a few reasons why Afrezza could be a great addition to your diabetes care regimen:

1. Convenience. 

Inhaled insulin can be used discreetly in public, without the need for needles or syringes. You can use it anytime and anywhere you go - public places, playgrounds, on an airplane, at a busy restaurant, in the gym, or even when you’re head-to-toe in snow pants and a thick winter jacket about to take your dog for a walk (imagine that for a...

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Lower Your Blood Sugar Quickly: 3 Expert Tips from a T1D Dietitian

Uncategorized Mar 27, 2023

Living with diabetes requires a combination of lifestyle changes, medication management, and regular medical checkups to maintain good health and manage symptoms.

As we all know, managing diabetes is a lifelong journey, and it's important to make lifestyle changes and follow treatment plans to stay healthy and prevent complications.

It is certainly challenging and overwhelming, especially when you have high blood sugar that won’t come down! 

Lowering blood sugar is one of the most important things people with diabetes want to overcome, and as a registered dietitian who has been living with type 1 diabetes for over 20 years, I have been helping people with diabetes achieve incredible blood sugars while still enjoying great food and helping them become the better version of themselves.

There are several ways to help you lower your blood pressure in no time, but let me share with you these 3 incredible steps that helped me in lowering my blood pressure: (I have been doing...

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