Picture this: you're in the middle of an intense upper body workout, feeling the burn and pushing your limits. But suddenly, your blood sugar starts to drop, threatening to derail your momentum. It's a situation many of us with diabetes can relate to.
So,let me share with you one thing you should avoid and one thing you should do to ensure your diabetes doesn't interrupt your workout. Let's dive in!
Do not rely solely on your pump to save the day. Trust me, it won't respond quickly enough to prevent a rapid blood sugar drop. Remember, the number on your Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) is delayed by 15 minutes, so counting on the pump algorithm to fix the situation is a recipe for disappointment.
Instead of putting your faith in a delayed CGM reading or waiting for your pump to catch up, here's a nifty trick to keep your workout on track:
Grab a small amount of glucose to give your body a quick boost.
A few pieces of candy corn can do the trick. Others might opt for a...
Traveling is an exhilarating experience that opens our minds to new cultures, sights, and tastes.
But for those of us living with diabetes, embarking on an international trip requires an extra level of preparation. In this blog post, we will explore four essential items you bring on every international adventure, ensuring that diabetes doesn't put a damper on your wanderlust. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the world of diabetes travel preparedness!
Double the Pump Supplies
Picture this: you're strolling through the streets of a foreign city, immersing yourself in its beauty, when suddenly, your pump site decides to have a meltdown. Oh no! The last thing you want is to run out of pump sites and be left high and dry.
That's why it’s best to always always bring at least double the amount of pump supplies you think you’ll need. Because, let's face it, malfunctions happen, and they have a knack for occurring at the most inconvenient times. By being...
Managing blood sugar levels can be a rollercoaster ride of emotions.
We've all been there—freaking out when it goes too low or too high. But the truth is, panicking doesn't help. Together, let's explore two simple steps to handle these situations with ease and kindness.
The first step is to cut yourself some slack. It's easy to beat yourself up and dwell on the mistakes you made, but dwelling won't change the situation. Remember, you are where you are right now, and that's okay. Acceptance is key. By acknowledging the present moment, you can free yourself from the burden of self-judgment. Beating yourself up won't bring your blood sugar back in range, but showing yourself some compassion will.
Instead of wallowing in self-criticism, focus on what you need to do next. Take a deep breath and assess the situation. Ask yourself,
"What steps can I take to improve my blood sugar?"
This simple shift in mindset can empower you to move forward in a positive direction....
Living in the digital age has granted us access to an abundance of information about diabetes.
While this can be a gift, it's important to tread carefully, as the internet and social media can also be an information wasteland.
When it comes to managing your diabetes effectively, it is important to consider the sources of information and their credibility. In this blog post, we will discuss why it's essential to be discerning about the diabetes information you consume and provide tips on how to evaluate the credibility of your sources.
The Importance of Source Evaluation
In a sea of information, it's easy to get lost and be swayed by misleading or unverified claims. When seeking information about diabetes, it's essential to consider the source. Start by asking yourself a few key questions. Is the person sharing the information qualified? Do they have credentials or expertise in the field of diabetes? Are they relying on research-based evidence? Validating the credibility...
It's time to debunk the notion that diabetes and muscle gain are incompatible.
In reality, the principles of building muscle remain the same, regardless of whether you have diabetes or not. It's all about understanding a few key principles, optimizing your training, nutrition, recovery, and blood sugar control.
In this blog post, we will explore how you can overcome the challenges and embark on a successful muscle-building journey, all while managing your diabetes effectively.
First and foremost, it's important to understand that gaining muscle with diabetes requires the same foundational principles as for anyone else. You need to create a slight calorie surplus, providing your body with the energy it needs to build and repair muscles. Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods that support muscle growth and aim for a well-rounded, balanced diet.
Another aspect of gaining muscle is incorporating adequate resistance training or strength training into your fitness routine. Engaging in...
Life with diabetes often involves facing the challenge of high blood sugar levels.
When blood sugar remains elevated for an extended period, it's natural to wonder when to take action and correct the situation.
In this blog post, we'll explore the complexities surrounding high blood sugar correction and discuss strategies that can help you navigate this common scenario. While the answer may not be straightforward, the key lies in understanding the principles that healthcare professionals teach their patients. Let's dive in and empower ourselves with knowledge that can be applied to our own lives.
The Persistence of High Blood Sugar
We've all experienced those frustrating moments when our blood sugar remains stubbornly high despite our best efforts to correct it. It's essential to remember that managing diabetes is not always as simple as correcting and expecting immediate results. If you find yourself needing multiple corrections within a short timeframe, it's best to...
Living with diabetes often comes with a long list of "shoulds" and "shouldn't" when it comes to food choices.
However, it's time to challenge some of the outdated information that still lingers in the field of endocrinology and nutrition. In this blog post, we'll debunk the myths and explore the key factors that truly matter when it comes to enjoying a variety of foods while managing diabetes.
So, take a deep breath, let go of the restrictions, and let's delve into the three essential considerations that can empower you to make informed decisions about what you eat.
Dosing Timing
Common misconception is that certain foods are off-limits for people with diabetes. The truth is, it's not about avoiding specific foods altogether; it's about understanding the importance of dosing timing. Ensuring that your insulin has enough time to kick in before your blood sugar spikes is important. By carefully planning when you eat and administering your insulin accordingly, you can enjoy a wider...
Living with diabetes can be a challenging journey, but armed with the right knowledge and food choices, we can lead a fulfilling and healthy life.
Here are 4 options that offer very little nutritional benefit and may spike your blood sugars, making them not worth it.
Pop Corners
A Blood Sugar Bomb Masquerading as a Healthy Snack When it comes to pop corners, it’s difficult to find a single redeeming quality from a nutrient standpoint. These crispy snacks may claim to be "never fried," "low in calories," and "free from artificial ingredients," but they are essentially blood sugar bombs. Packed with hidden sugars and simple carbohydrates, pop corners can send your blood sugar skyrocketing.
Sugar Soda
No Nutritional Value, Just Empty Calories Sugar soda offers no utility unless your blood sugar is dangerously low and you need a quick glucose boost. Otherwise, it's a beverage that provides zero nutritional value. Why would you choose to drink glucose tabs in water form? The...
We will be discussing another breakfast favorite that may have been pushed aside: French toast (Captain Crunch edition in this one)
First, let's break it down.
When it comes to French toast, there are a couple of things to consider.
The powdered sugar topping is negligible, so we'll focus more on the bread itself and the cereal coating. French toast typically consists of a few main components, and in this case, it includes Captain Crunch cereal, which has a very high glycemic index. This means it can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. So it's important to be aware that your blood sugar could skyrocket after consuming this dish.
Now, let's take a closer look.
We have six pieces of French toast, and the bread seems a bit thicker than usual. From a bread perspective, each slice likely contains around 15 to 20 grams of carbohydrates, depending on its size. In this case, with the thicker bread, it might be closer to 22 grams per slice. So, considering all six pieces, we're...
Let’s review buffalo wings.
These wings are a popular favorite at tailgates, parties, and various events, and they have become a staple in American culture.
Let's dive into the details.
So we have six wings, and beneath this paper, there are another six. There are different varieties and even some celery on the side. From a carbohydrate perspective, we need to consider the type of seasoning or sauce used.
Buffalo sauce typically contains minimal carbohydrates, but if you're dealing with something sweet like a barbecue sauce, you'll need to factor in those carbs. In this particular case, if you're only focusing on the wings, you're probably in the clear. Ranch dressing has minimal carbs, and celery is virtually carb-free since it's a vegetable. So, from a carb standpoint, you're good to go.
However, it's worth noting that you might not be consuming just the wings alone. You might have other items such as mac and cheese, a burger, or some chips. In that case, you'll need...
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