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Prevent high blood sugar during long flights with this! Part 2

Learn about packing your own food, TSA regulations, staying hydrated, and using continuous glucose monitoring to enhance your diabetes management while traveling.

Long flights can be challenging for individuals managing their blood sugar, especially considering factors like extended sitting, high elevation, and the uncertainty of in-flight meals. In this blog, we'll explore effective strategies for maintaining blood sugar levels during air travel. If you missed "Part One" of this series, you can [click here](insert link) to catch up on more valuable tips.

1. Bring Your Own Food

One of the most reliable ways to control your blood sugar during a long flight is to pack your own meals and snacks. While it's true that there's a limited window of time for food safety without refrigeration, this approach offers significant advantages.


By bringing your own food, you have complete control over your meal choices, making it easier to calculate insulin doses accurately. This beats the...

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Why your blood sugar goes up at 3AM for no reason at all!

Know the science behind the Dawn Phenomenon and learn effective ways to manage early morning blood sugar spikes. Consult your care team for better diabetes control.  

You may have experienced this frustrating scenario: You head to bed with your blood sugar at a comfortable 126, only to wake up at 3 AM and find it inexplicably soaring to 190. It's a perplexing situation, but there's actually a scientific reason behind it.


This phenomenon is known as "Dawn Phenomenon." At first glance, it may appear as though your blood sugar spikes for no apparent reason, but trust us, there's a lot more going on beneath the surface.

What Is Dawn Phenomenon?

Dawn Phenomenon is a natural occurrence within the body's circadian rhythm. Around 2 to 3 AM, your body initiates a process involving the release of certain hormones. Two key classes of hormones involved in this process are growth hormone and catecholamines. These hormones trigger your liver to release glucose into the bloodstream,...

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When you go to the endo and know your blood sugars aren’t great.

When you go to the endo and know your blood sugars aren’t great.

Navigate your endocrinology appointment with ease and embrace your inner rebel for better health. Learn how to conquer diabetes like a boss.

Not up for going to your endo appointment this time? We all know that feeling - the mix of reluctance and the urge to cancel. But, let's face it, you're too cool to cancel. So, here's how to make it a breeze.


The Waiting Room Warm-Up: Game On!

As you walk into the clinic, put on your game face. You're not just here for medical check-ups; you're here to win the waiting room game.


Strike up a conversation with your doctor about last night's game. Those Twins look strong, right? Distract them with your sports expertise – that's your secret weapon.


Blood Sugar Talk: Keep it Casual

Now, let's get down to business – your blood sugar levels. You know they're not exactly where they should be, but hey, a rebel's gotta live, right?

Share the numbers,...

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What NOT to eat @ Costco! Part 1

As registered dietitians and certified diabetes educators, we are here to provide valuable insights into four foods that individuals living with diabetes should approach with caution. It's important to note that these insights are meant as warnings and not as specific instructions.

1. Morning Summit Cereal: It is not what it appears to be.

You pick a cereal with almonds as ingredient #1. Sounds like a good start, right?

However, the next ingredients include organic maple syrup, sugar, and two other carb sources, and it ends up having the same number of carbs as Lucky Charms (not great), which, if you're not careful, will send your blood sugar for a rollercoaster ride…

This cereal, while marketed as ‘healthy,’ can do the same. You can do better.


2. Siete Chips: The Cassava Conundrum

Imagine picking up a bag of Siete chips with cassava flour as the star ingredient – it may appear as a healthier alternative at first glance. However, don't let...

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Blood sugar taking off on airplanes? Pay attention.

Raise your hand if you've ever felt like a diabetes pro one moment, and then the next, you're on a flight, grappling with rising blood sugar levels that seem to have a mind of their own. It's like your body and diabetes decided to form an alliance just to test your patience.

If this sounds all too familiar, buckle up (pun intended), because we're diving into the world of high blood sugars at high altitudes.

Picture this: you're all set to embark on an exciting journey, but your blood sugar readings decide to play their own game. Traveling with diabetes can be a rollercoaster, especially when you're soaring through the skies. It's not just the turbulence that can shake things up – it's the altitude-triggered blood sugar spikes that can turn your travel plans into a bumpy ride.

The struggle is real when it comes to flying with diabetes. Disconnecting your insulin pump, dealing with TSA procedures, declaring your insulin stash – it's enough to make anyone want to throw in...

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Mastering the Art of Eating Out and Managing Blood Sugars

Picture this: You're out at your favorite restaurant, relishing every bite of that mouthwatering meal. It's an experience that's pure joy… until the aftermath hits you like a ton of bricks. High blood sugars skyrocket, and you're left wondering if it was all worth it. We've all been there, right? 

But what if there's a way to enjoy your dining-out adventures without feeling like a glucose rollercoaster?

Welcome to the world of dining out with finesse, where you can savor the delights of restaurant cuisine without sacrificing your blood sugar stability. Say goodbye to the days of unpredictable spikes and hello to a world where your average blood sugars can gracefully dance around 129. Intrigued?

Let's dive in!

Eating out is a treat, a way to break the monotony of home-cooked meals. But there are two major challenges when it comes to dining out: deciphering what's in the food and accurately counting carbs. However, the real game-changer is challenge number two. Let's take...

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Navigating the Diabetes Dilemma: The Insulin and Activity Balancing Act

Living with diabetes can feel like a delicate dance, especially when it comes to managing insulin and physical activity.

Picture this - you've just had a massive meal and are about to head out to Mall of America. But wait, there's one crucial thing you need to do before stepping out that could save you from an unexpected blood sugar rollercoaster. 

Today, we're unraveling the mystery of insulin and activity, and why it's vital to find the right balance to enjoy a worry-free day out.

Diabetes management is not one-size-fits-all;

It's a personalized puzzle that requires constant adjustments and fine-tuning. The interaction between insulin and physical activity can be both a friend and a foe. 

Understanding this relationship is key to navigating the potential blood sugar challenges that lie ahead.

Before you embark on any activity, whether it's shopping at a mall or a simple stroll across the street, take a moment to assess your active insulin. Active insulin refers to the...

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Mastering Portion Control for Better Blood Sugar: A Real-Life Example

If you're living with diabetes and weighing your food to manage your blood sugar, you might be missing out on a critical aspect of portion control. 

Let's dive into the nuances of accurate food measurement. By investigating what goes on your plate, we'll uncover the importance of mindful portions in achieving amazing blood sugar control. So, let's get started on this journey of mastering portion control and empowering you to take charge of your diabetes management.


The Power of Portion Control

Portion control is like the unsung hero of diabetes management. Keeping a watchful eye on the amount of food we consume can make a significant difference in blood sugar levels. As we all know, diabetes is a delicate balancing act, and understanding portion sizes is a crucial piece of that puzzle.


A Real-Life Example

Imagine you have a box of crackers, and the packaging indicates that 28 grams equals about five crackers. Now, let's illustrate the process of portioning using a...

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Demystifying Diabetes: Why You Crave Everything in the Fridge When Your Blood Sugar is Low

Have you ever experienced that insatiable hunger, where you feel like devouring the entire fridge, even though you've just eaten?

If you're nodding in agreement, you're not alone. Today, we are unraveling the mystery behind those intense cravings when your blood sugar hits a low. Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of hormones and how they influence our hunger pangs. By understanding the science behind it all, you can manage your diabetes more effectively and make your life easier.

When it comes to driving hunger, there are two key hormones at play - ghrelin and leptin. Ghrelin, the "girl-hungry" hormone, is responsible for those growling stomach sensations that make you reach for a snack. On the other hand, leptin is the hormone that signals fullness, helping you feel satisfied after a meal.

Now, here's where it gets interesting. 

When your blood sugar drops to low levels, these hormones can go haywire. Ghrelin levels shoot up, making you feel even hungrier, while...

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Insulin Unplugged: Why You Can Ditch the Fridge and Embrace Room Temperature Storage

We have a newsflash for you:

Your insulin doesn't need to chill in the fridge all the time. Yes, you read that right!

Insulin is perfectly fine at room temperature, provided it doesn't cross the boundaries of 86 degrees and 32 degrees Fahrenheit. But why is this essential? Join us as we dive into the science behind insulin storage and uncover why it's all about finding that "just right" temperature for your life-saving medication.

Remember Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Well, your insulin has its very own Goldilocks Zone, and it's vital to keep it within these temperature boundaries. Think of it this way - just like Goldilocks wouldn't settle for porridge that was too hot or too cold, your insulin doesn't want to be exposed to extreme temperatures either.

When insulin gets too warm, the molecules start to unravel. This can cause it to lose some of its potency, leading to less effective blood sugar control. On the flip side, when insulin experiences extreme cold, it can begin to...

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