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Succeeding in School with Diabetes: The Power of Testing Accommodations

Jan 10, 2024

If you're a parent of a child living with diabetes or a college student managing this condition, then you're in for an eye-opening conversation today. It's a topic that doesn't get nearly enough attention, but it's absolutely crucial for success in school with diabetes – testing accommodations. 


Breaking the Silence

Diabetes can be a challenging journey, especially when it comes to education. The highs and lows (not just in blood sugar) can throw a curveball into your academic life. But here's the secret weapon that not enough people talk about: testing accommodations.


What Are Testing Accommodations?

In a nutshell, testing accommodations are like your safety net during exams. They're there to protect you in case your blood sugar decides to take a rollercoaster ride right in the middle of an important test. These accommodations ensure that you're not penalized for moments when your brain might not be working at its peak due to extreme blood sugar levels.


A Real-Life Example

Let's dive into a real-life example. Imagine you're a high school student facing one of those dreaded Advanced Placement (AP) tests. Now, picture this – it's English language, and you're cruising through one of the essays like a champ. But then, out of nowhere, your blood sugar starts plummeting. We're talking level 45 thinking here, folks.

Now, without testing accommodations, you'd be in a pickle. You wouldn't have the option to hit the pause button, treat that low, and wait for your blood sugar to bounce back to normal. Nope, you'd be stuck, losing precious time, and probably worrying about breaking the strict rules that govern these exams if you even dared to leave the room for a quick snack.


Leveling the Playing Field

This is where testing accommodations come to the rescue. They level the playing field for students with diabetes. They ensure that you have the same shot at success as your peers without diabetes. Without them, the odds can feel stacked against you, but with accommodations, you can navigate the challenges of diabetes and academics more smoothly.


College and Grad School Matters Too

But wait, there's more! Testing accommodations don't stop at high school; they extend into college and grad school as well. The strict rules that govern exams remain, and your diabetes doesn't take a break during these crucial years of education.


Why You Should Look into It

So here's the takeaway: If you or your child has diabetes and is on the education journey, look into getting testing accommodations. Don't hesitate; it's a game-changer. 

It's not about getting an unfair advantage; it's about ensuring that your health condition doesn't hinder your academic performance. It's about leveling the playing field, so you can shine just as bright as anyone else.


Take the Leap

Don't let the fear of stigma or the hassle of paperwork hold you back. Your education is worth it. Take the leap, explore your options, and advocate for yourself or your child. It's a step toward not just academic success but also a more enjoyable and less stressful educational journey.


So, whether you're a parent of a child with diabetes or a college student managing this condition, remember that testing accommodations are your ally. They're the unsung heroes that can make your academic life smoother, and they're a secret you'll want to share with others in the diabetes community. 


Your success is within reach – make sure you grab it with both hands!


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