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Managing Blood Sugars: A T1D Dietitian's Guide to Enjoying Jimmy's Famous Seafood Crab Dip

Jun 08, 2023

Eating out at a seafood restaurant can be a delightful experience for individuals with diabetes.

However, it's essential to make informed choices to keep your blood sugar levels in check. With a little planning and knowledge, you can savor a delicious seafood meal while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Let's discuss the potential impact of consuming garlic bread and crab dip on their blood sugar levels.

Let’s break down the crab dip first.

The crab dip has some cheese, some cream, green onions, and minced garlic. From a carbs perspective, there’s not a whole lot of carbs. The entire crab dip itself MIGHT have only 20 grams of carbs.

Let’s estimate the amount of carbohydrates contained within the garlic bread. Assuming there are 6 garlic breads in a plate, the larger piece could contain around 15-18 grams of carbs, while a smaller piece might be closer to 10-12 grams. If we estimate the entire thing that would be 90 grams of carbs. 

It's important to consider the fat content in both the garlic bread and the crab dip. While fats don't directly impact blood sugar levels, they can affect the rate of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, potentially leading to delayed rises in blood sugar levels several hours later.

The crab dip may contain fats from ingredients such as cheese and cream. While the overall fat content will depend on the specific recipe and ingredients used, it's worth being mindful of portion sizes to manage your fat intake.

Similarly, garlic bread typically contains butter or oil, which contribute to its fat content. Keeping an eye on the portion sizes and overall fat intake is crucial, as excessive fat consumption can have long-term effects on blood sugar control.

The digestion and absorption of fats can slow down the release of glucose into the bloodstream, potentially causing delayed spikes in blood sugar levels.

Determining the appropriate timing for pre-bolusing after a high-fat meal is crucial. It may vary depending on the individual and the specific meal composition. Experimenting with different time intervals, such as 30 minutes to an hour before the meal, can help you identify what works best for you!

It's important for everyone to be mindful of the foods they consume and how they may impact their overall health.

Eating a balanced diet, monitoring blood sugar levels, and staying physically active are all essential elements of maintaining good health.


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