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Diabetes Dietitian's Guide to Dosing Pumpkin Spice Donut for T1D

Sep 24, 2023


Beloved treat for many people, they can also bring people together and create a sense of community. Pumpkin spice is definitely a popular flavor, especially during the fall season.

Plus, donuts can be a fun and creative dessert to make at home, with various toppings and fillings to experiment with.

It's easy to see why donuts hold a special place in many people's hearts (and stomachs!).

But what about those of us with diabetes who need to control our carb intake? Don't worry, my friends. You can eat a doughnut without causing your blood sugar levels to become out of control with a little preparation and awareness.

So, how can you enjoy donuts without sacrificing your health?

There are three main components to consider when making a pumpkin spice donut: the yeast donut base, the frosting, and the cinnamon streusel topping.

The yeast donut base is generally going to be the largest contributor to the carb count. Depending on the size and density of the donut, it could roughly be around 35 carbs. 

The frosting can add a significant amount of carbs as well. A typical tablespoon of frosting contains around 10 grams of carbs. So if your donut has about three tablespoons worth of frosting, that's an additional 30 grams of carbs to account for. It's important to be mindful of portion sizes and to factor in the carb content of the frosting when calculating your insulin dose or planning your meals for the day.

The cinnamon streusel topping completes the dish. This is where things get a little more subjective, but I'd say the whole donut has about 75-80 grams of carbs in total.

It's important to remember that, while carb counting can help you manage your blood sugar levels, it's not the only factor to consider. The fat content of the donut, as well as other factors such as physical activity and stress, can affect blood sugar levels. Working with a healthcare professional to create an individualized plan for managing diabetes and incorporating treats like donuts in moderation is essential. It is possible to eat a healthy and balanced diet while still indulging in your favorite treats with the right guidance and support.

Now go get your donut and remember to savor each bite and appreciate the moment. Treating yourself in moderation can be a wonderful part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. 

If you want to learn how to eat this mouth-watering donut or ANY foods that you want to indulge with, my team and I are here to help you to provide the support and guidance you needed!

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