“It’s Not Just About the Carbs”
You've probably always been told to limit your sugar and carbohydrates.
Consuming too many processed carbohydrates can lead to a host of health problems. Some people think that's the only two things they need to stay away from; however, it's not. It turns out fats could play a major role in impacting blood sugar levels.
Fat has a more indirect effect on blood sugar levels than carbohydrates, but it can still have a significant impact. Because fat slows digestion, carbohydrates are released into the bloodstream more slowly over time, resulting in a more prolonged rise in blood sugar levels.
This can be a huge problem for people with diabetes who may need to dose their insulin when consuming carbs.
Managing the effect of fat on blood sugar levels is the main goal that dietitians in diabetes practices pursue with their patients. According to dietitians, meals with more fat require 47% more insulin overall.
Even though it may seem absurd, you will require more insulin overall for those meals.
Everyone is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. What you do for yourself may be different from what your friend does and it is important to pay attention to the type and amount of fat you are consuming, particularly if you have diabetes.
It's also important to remember that the amount of fat you consume can also have an impact on blood sugar levels. Consuming too much fat, regardless of its quality, can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance, both of which can make it more challenging to manage blood sugar levels.
Make sure you are taking the appropriate dosage of insulin to offset the fat in your meal if you are on insulin. You should be mindful of the kinds and quantities of fats you consume if you are not using insulin, especially if you have diabetes.
You should be aware of how fat affects your blood sugar levels hours after eating.
Your blood sugar levels can be impacted by the type and quantity of fat you consume, so you should work with your doctor or a dietitian to create a diet that is right for you.
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