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T1D Dietitian: Mastering Blood Sugar Control with Flavorful Huevos Rancheros

Jun 21, 2023

Huevos Rancheros is a beloved Mexican dish that combines the vibrant flavors of eggs, beans, tortillas, and salsa.

It's a versatile meal that can be savored for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. However, if you have diabetes, you may be wondering if this delicious dish can still be a part of your diet….

…and the answer is YES. Here’s how to consider breaking it down so you can dose appropriately.


The meal has a corn tortilla, estimated to be around 20-25 grams of carbs.

There are other components to consider, such as the eggs, hash browns, and black beans.

Let’s estimate that the eggs will not contribute to the carb count, but the hash browns could be about half a cup, which would add to the carb count. Additionally, there are black beans in the meal, which would add some carbs as well.

Carbs breakdown:

Corn Tortilla - 25 grams

Salsa- Negligible 

Eggs- Negligible 

Hash Browns- 20 grams

Black beans- 10 grams

So that’s gonna be 55 grams. From a carb perspective, nothing else is going to contribute to the carbs.

While carbs are a crucial consideration for diabetes management, it's also important to think about the impact of FAT and PROTEIN on blood sugar levels. These can affect blood sugar levels within 2-8 hours after consumption. Fat and protein take longer to digest compared to carbohydrates. As a result, they can cause a gradual and prolonged increase in blood sugar levels over several hours after a meal.

 It's essential to consider other factors, such as the impact on blood sugar levels and how long the effects may last. For example, if you plan on being active or engaging in physical activity after a meal, it's important to account for the potential impact on blood sugar levels. Exercise can lower blood sugar levels, so adjustments may be needed to prevent hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). This could involve adjusting insulin doses and timing meals appropriately.

It’s important to consider all the components of a meal and not just focus on one aspect, such as carbs. think about how the meal may impact blood sugar levels and plan accordingly.

With a few adjustments, Huevos Rancheros can still be enjoyed as a delicious and diabetes-friendly meal. By being mindful of the carbohydrate content, considering the impact on blood sugar levels, and taking a holistic approach to diabetes management, individuals with diabetes can savor this vibrant dish while maintaining their health. As always, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian for personalized advice tailored to your specific needs and medical history.

If you need help on how to dose on a specific food that you love and you might think that it's gonna impact your blood sugar, our team of dietitians are always ready to help and answer your questions. 


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