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T1D Dietitian: Mastering Insulin Dosing for Guilt-Free Enjoyment of Graeter's Ice Cream

Jun 22, 2023

Have you ever found yourself standing in an ice cream shop, staring at the vast array of flavors and toppings, but feeling unsure about the nutritional content and its impact on your health?

Well, fear no more! In this blog post, we'll explore how to break down the nutritional information of your favorite ice cream treats, using Cincinnati's own Graeter's Ice Cream as an example. So, grab a spoon and let's dive in!

Graeter's Ice Cream, a renowned ice cream parlor with over 20 locations nationwide, offers a delectable range of flavors and indulgent toppings. 

The first step in deciphering the nutritional content of Graeter's Ice Cream is to visit their website. By law, Graeter's is required to provide nutrition information for their products. Head over to their website and look for the nutrition information section. Here, you'll find detailed information on serving sizes, calories, and macronutrients.

While the website provides serving sizes, it's worth noting that these may not always align with the actual portion sizes you receive at the ice cream parlor. For example, a serving size may be listed as two-thirds of a cup, but in reality, you might be getting closer to a full cup or even a little more. To make an accurate assessment, I recommend opting for a single scoop as it offers both value and a reasonable portion size.

Indulging in a delicious frozen treat like Graeter's Ice Cream is a joyous experience. However, it's important to consider the overall impact on your health. While the initial taste may be heavenly, keep in mind that several hours later, your blood sugar may rise. To mitigate this, pay attention to what else you're consuming alongside your ice cream and plan your meals accordingly. By maintaining balance, you can ensure that your indulgence doesn't come back to haunt you.

Now that you know how to access and interpret the nutritional information of your favorite frozen desserts, it's time to put your newfound knowledge into practice.

If you're someone struggling with blood sugar management or finding it challenging to enjoy the foods you love while maintaining a healthy lifestyle, our team of dietitians are here to support you. We help individuals every day achieve optimal blood sugar levels while still indulging in their favorite treats.

It’s hard to resist taking one last bite of this delightful Graeter's Ice Cream before it melts.

Remember, understanding and embracing the nutritional information of your favorite treats empowers you to enjoy them with confidence.

So, the next time you find yourself faced with a delectable ice cream selection, armed with the knowledge we've shared, you can make informed choices and savor every spoonful.


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