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Navigating the Belly Breakfast Burrito for Blood Sugar Control

Aug 04, 2023

Let’s discuss a delicious food item that may pose challenges for blood sugar management—the Belly Breakfast Burrito.

We’re going to break down this culinary delight and learn how to dose insulin effectively.

Let's begin by analyzing the components of the burrito. Alongside the burrito, you'll notice a side serving of rice, approximately a quarter cup, which equates to about 10 grams of carbohydrates. The generous portion of black beans accompanying the meal adds around 25-30 grams of net carbs due to the high fiber content.

Now, let's examine the burrito itself. Inside, you'll find succulent pork belly and a considerable amount of eggs. Assuming the entire tortilla is filled with eggs, we can estimate the presence of three to five eggs. From a carbohydrate standpoint, eggs have minimal impact. Pork belly, being higher in fat than protein, contains negligible carbs as well. The tortilla, however, is likely to contribute around 45 grams of carbs, considering its size.

So far, we have a total of approximately 80 grams of carbohydrates (35 grams from the beans and rice, and 45 grams from the tortilla). However, it's crucial to note the significant fat content in this dish. With four eggs alone accounting for around 25 grams of fat, along with potential additional fat from the cheese and pork belly, it becomes evident that fat plays a substantial role.

Furthermore, the meal contains a notable amount of protein from the eggs, pork belly, and beans, which also affects blood sugar levels. Therefore, when dosing insulin, it's important to consider not only the carbs but also the fat and protein content.

To effectively manage your blood sugar, it's essential to have a strategy in place. Dose for the carbs initially, but remain vigilant about monitoring your blood sugar in the subsequent hours. If your blood sugar begins to rise significantly several hours after consuming the burrito, you may need to adjust your insulin or take additional steps to bring it back down.

Remember, eating this breakfast burrito later in the day might have delayed effects on your blood sugar levels. Therefore, being aware of the potential impact and having a plan is crucial to avoid unexpected spikes.

I hope you found this breakdown helpful. If you have any suggestions for other foods you'd like us to analyze, please drop a comment below. 

If you're struggling with managing your blood sugar and need a personalized approach to tackle challenging foods, feel free to reach out, our team of dietitians are always ready to help.

Until next time, happy and healthy eating!


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